Top 10 List of Week 03

  1. Files and File Systems (Youtube)
    After reading OS chapter 13, 14, and 15 you might be confused about file systems by now. This video gives explanation about files and file systems with illustrations.

  2. File systems benchmark
    Looking at benchmark never gets old. Now what about file systems benchmark? Well benchmark is still benchmark so it should be as satisfying as PC benchmark.

  3. File Systems ASAP (Youtube)
    This video is only 4-minute long. This also explains file systems but in much simplified way. It should be easier for newcomer to understand.

  4. Ext4 vs Xfs
    Ext4 is the default linux file system. It maybe the only file system linux newcomers know. You might want to know the difference between the two.

  5. New Linux File Systems bcachefs
    Bcachefs is a Copy On Write (COW) filesystem. It is currently not ready but can try this filesystem if you have spare time and into this kind of thing.

  6. RAID
    RAID is a way for stoging data on multiple drives. It boosts performance and makes it more fault tolerant. You may want to use RAID someday.

  7. Network File System
    NFS is an application that lets users view files on a remote computers. It is a distributed file system.

  8. Mounting concept
    Mounting concept is different in linux than in windows. You might get the term mounting when you enter the linux world as it is not often used in windows.

  9. LFS vs DFS
    Apart from local file system there is distributed file system. DFS makes it convenient to share information and files among users on a network.

  10. Data Redundancy
    Data and redundant in the same sentence might sound wrong at first. But turned out there is intentional data redundancy. It can be used for data backup.