Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. One
    This is a speedrun video. However this is not just any normal speedrun video. This is a speedrun about finishing vim tutorial.

  2. Two
    This link is a tutorial to install software from source instead of from binary code.

  3. Three
    The most important knowledge. Never get stuck in vim abyss anymore.

  4. Four
    This tells how to paste to vim from outside vim.

  5. Five
    This article explains why vim is very powerful when working in non-GUI environment. Using vim can save tons of time.

  6. Six
    How to SSH into VM in local machine. This sounds overkill but it actually has more benefits because of clipboard sharing.

  7. Seven
    How to not set password. These are passwords that should never be used as password especially root password.

  8. Eight
    This site explains the advantages of using public and private key for ssh instead of passwords.

  9. Nine
    This site tells you not to use nano editor because of its uneffectiveness and time-wastefulness.

  10. Ten
    I am out of idea so here is how to make github pages.